Faculty of Fine Arts

Currently the Strzemiński Academy of Fine Arts Łódź does not offer studies in English.


Faculty of Fine Arts

  • miniatura
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The institute offers a full-time first- and second-cycle programme in the field of animation.

Students gain skills necessary for independent design of flat and spatial animated forms, including animation graphics. They develop their skills in the area of storyboard, comics and computer game design. The programme of the studies includes practical classes in drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, illustration, storyboard and comics, flat animation, spatial animation, application of computer software for creating computer graphics and animation in 2D and 3D, creating special effects, modelling characters and environment for video games, designing puppets for animated films, game and film pre-production.

We offer professional, well-equipped art ateliers, photography and film & animation studios and computer labs. This ensures effective education of students who learn both traditional skills in each artistic discipline as well as gain knowledge about application of contemporary creative tools such as digital image editing, combining film image and sound and computer processing of the film image.

Studies in the field of animation prepare students to work in broadly understood animated film, both as animated film creators and members of film teams. Our graduates are able to make their independent animated films and to cooperate with film directors or film studios.

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